Child Health Clinic

Greenwell PCN runs a child health clinic once a month followed by an MDT (multi-disciplinary team) Teams meeting to discuss the patients seen in clinic and those whose GPs seek support from allied professionals.

Patients are invited to attend a 30 minute face to face consultation with a Paediatric Consultant and a GP. All children under the age of 18 can be referred to the child health clinic, it’s been a huge success. Patients benefit from an extended appointment with a paediatric consultant in a local surgery, usually within a month of the referral from their own GP.

The MDT is represented by colleagues including GPs representatives from the practices; primary/secondary clinicians; CAMHs; Health Visitors; School Nurses; the Local Authority; Community Therapists; Anna Freud etc…

6 patients are seen in the clinic and 8 are discussed at the MDT.

Most common issues include – Possible ASD/ADHD; delayed speech; anxiety; depression; school non-attenders; whilst other issues include – headaches; backaches; skin issues; eating issues; abdominal pain; feeding issues, failure to thrive.

This project is a huge success for the Greenwell PCN health community – children are usually seen with 4 weeks; 30 minute appointments, a vast amount of expertise; knowledge of local services available; easier access to care pathways; joint care plans whilst developing very good working relationships with healthcare and allied professional in the locality.