
Primary Care Network


Greenwell Primary Care Network is an NHS Collaboration between 7 GP Practices in Greenford and Hanwell – Oldfield Family Practice, Mansell Road Practice, Eastmead Avenue Surgery, Elmbank Surgery, Greenford Avenue Family Health Practice, Hanwell Health Centre and Westseven GP. We have a patient population of approximately 37000 patients, and currently have 7 staff members working across the network. We have excellent relationships across the 7 practices and are working collaboratively to provide extended services to address any inequalities and to provide great care to our patients.
Dr Vic Sivanesan & Dr Beena Gohil – Clinical Directors

Latest News

GREENWELL PCN COFFEE MORNINGs FOR OVER 65s On Thursday 21st March Greenwell PCN Social Prescribing team welcomed some of our patients to a coffee and
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