Clinical Pharmacist Team
Enhanced Access Service
First Contact Physiotherapist
Social Prescribing Service
A service provided by Core Prescribing Solutions
Available Locations:
- Eastmead Surgery
- Elmbank Surgery
- Greenford Avenue Family Health Practice
- Hanwell Health Centre
- Mansell Road Surgery
- Oldfield Family Practice
- Westseven GP
Clinical pharmacists are increasingly working as part of general practice teams. They are highly qualified experts in medicines and can help people in a range of ways. This includes carrying out structured medication reviews for patients with ongoing health problems and improving patient safety, outcomes and value through a person-centered approach.
A service provided by Greenwell PCN
Available Locations:
- Elmbank Surgery
Currently, GP Practices are required to deliver services during their core hours of 08.00 – 6.30pm Monday to Friday. From 1st October 2022, primary care networks are required to deliver an enhanced access service. Primary Care Networks (PCNs) are a group of practices that work together as a network in their local community. The Practices work together to provide a wide variety of services. This new service aims to improve patient access to primary care.
Our PCN will provide bookable appointments outside core hours within the Enhanced Access period of 6.30pm-8pm weekday evenings and 9am-5pm on Saturdays at our Hub Practice – Elmbank Surgery. Nurses and GP’s will offer a range of general practice services, including ‘routine’ services such as screening, vaccinations, and health checks.
This will not affect access to the appointments that practices already deliver. Rather, patients will be offered additional primary care appointments within their local community.
By providing these appointments within our local area patients will have additional non-urgent access to more local primary care services than are currently provided.
Practices will have options for patients that prefer appointments outside of core hours. This will hopefully increase availability of appointments within core hours for those who choose this time.
A service provided by our First Contact Physiotherapist
Available Locations:
- Eastmead Surgery
- Elmbank Surgery
- Greenford Avenue Family Health Practice
- Hanwell Health Centre
- Mansell Road Surgery
- Oldfield Family Practice
- Westseven GP
The Role of First Contact physiotherapists (FCP’s) in primary care is to assess patients with soft tissue, muscle and joint pain and support patients to decide on the most appropriate management pathway. You do not need to see your GP first as the FCPs are expert in the assessment of these conditions and are able to request investigations such as x-rays and blood tests if it is required. FCP’s are physiotherapists with expertise in the assessment and management of Musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions. They may also be known as an Advanced Practice Physiotherapist (APP) or MSK practitioners.
Our First Contact Physiotherapy Service will be able to see people with the following conditions:
- Joint pain
- Shoulder pain
- Tendon problems
- Muscle pain
- Sports injuries
- Knee problems
- Neck pain
- Soft tissue injuries
- Tennis elbow
- Back pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Trapped nerve
- Sciatica
The following video has been produced by Health Education England. This overview demonstrates the efficacy of this service both in quality of outcomes as well as efficiency – people see the right person, in the right place, first time.
Sleepstation combines psychology and sleep science with dedicated support to help people get great sleep
Available Locations:
- Eastmead Surgery
- Elmbank Surgery
- Greenford Avenue Family Health Practice
- Hanwell Health Centre
- Mansell Road Surgery
- Oldfield Family Practice
- Westseven GP
Are you struggling with your sleep and not sure how to fix it?
- Dedicated personalised support
- Highly-effective, drug-free solution
- Reach your individual sleep goals
- Expert ongoing guidance
- Long-lasting results
- No waiting list
Fix your sleep problem by:
- Get access – Select the service that fits your needs and create your account.
- Identifying your sleep problem – Your sleep coaches will work with you to pinpoint your sleep problem.
- Discover your sleep needs – Your sleep needs are as individual as you are. We’ll help you create a plan.
- Reach your sleep goals – We’ll show you how to apply the science, taking into account your needs.
To find out more scan the QR or visit:
A service provided by our Social Prescribers
Available Locations:
- Eastmead Surgery
- Elmbank Surgery
- Greenford Avenue Family Health Practice
- Hanwell Health Centre
- Mansell Road Surgery
- Oldfield Family Practice
- Westseven GP
Social Prescribing is a (non-medical) service that aims to help people improve both their health and wellbeing. It sees a broad range of people with differing social, emotional and practical needs, helping them access the right resources (e.g. groups, courses, activities, information, social connections, services, support etc.) to meet those needs.
Individuals will be offered an appointment with a Social Prescribing Link Worker who will conduct an in-depth needs assessment and then based on personal needs and what matters to them, the individual will be linked with Local Community services (e.g. Arts, gardening and Creative activities; Befriending service, Counselling and Groups; Housing, benefits and financial advice; Health lifestyle advice and physical activities; Educational, learning and job opportunities ) for direct support and help, aiming to improve Well-being and Health.
Social Prescribing is designed to help people who are:
- Socially isolated
- Frequent attenders to GP/A+E
- Presenting with a social problem
- Mild-moderate mental health problems
- Keen to participate in non-clinical activities but not aware of what’s happening locally
- People with any long-term condition.
The following video is from the Healthy London Partnership and shows the benefits Social Prescribing can have: